Strumento di misura e di prova per verificare l'efficacia delle misure di protezione negli impianti elettrici fissi dopo l'installazione, la riparazione o l'ampliamento e per le prove periodiche (regolamento DGUV 3)

    Strumento di misura e di prova per verificare l'efficacia delle misure di protezione negli impianti elettrici fissi dopo l'installazione, la riparazione o l'ampliamento e per le prove periodiche (regolamento DGUV 3)
  • PROFiTEST MF TECH Starter-Set

    PROFiTEST MF TECH Starter Set for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Systems After Completion, Repair, Expansion or Periodic Testing, Especially for the Fulfillment of DGUV Regulation 3

    Measuring and test instrument for testing the effectiveness of protective measures at stationary electrical installations after completion, repair or expansion, and for periodic testing (DGUV regulation 3)

  • PROFiTEST MF TECH 0105-Set

    PROFiTEST MF TECH 0105 Set for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Systems After Periodic Testing, Especially for the Fulfillment of DGUV Regulation 3
  • PROFiTEST MF TECH Meister-Set

    PROFiTEST MF TECH Master Set for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Systems After Completion, Repair, Expansion and Periodic Testing, Especially for the Fulfillment of DGUV Regulation 3

    PROFiTEST MF TECH EVSE Set for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Systems, in Particular Electric Charging Points, After Completion, Repair, Expansion and Periodic Testing, Especially for the Fulfillment of DGUV Regulation 3
  • PROFiTEST MF XTRA 0105-Set

    PROFiTEST MF XTRA 0105 Set for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Systems After Periodic Testing, Especially for the Fulfillment of DGUV Regulation 3
  • PROFiTEST MF XTRA Starter-Set

    PROFiTEST MF XTRA Starter Set for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Systems After Completion, Repair, Expansion or Periodic Testing, Especially for the Fulfillment of DGUV Regulation 3
  • PROFiTEST MF XTRA Meister-Set

    PROFiTEST MF XTRA Master Set for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Systems After Completion, Repair, Expansion and Periodic Testing, Especially for the Fulfillment of DGUV Regulation 3

    PROFiTEST MF XTRA Profi Set for Testing the Effectiveness of Protective Measures at Stationary Electrical Systems After Completion, Repair, Expansion or Periodic Testing, Especially for the Fulfillment of DGUV Regulation 3
  • Starterpaket PROFiTEST INTRO

    “INTRO starter package” test instrument set for testing the effectiveness of protective measures at stationary electrical installations after completion, repair or expansion, and for periodic testing, especially for the fulfillment of DGUV regulation 3.
  • Meisterpaket PROFiTEST INTRO

    “INTRO master package” test instrument set for testing the effectiveness of protective measures at stationary electrical installations after completion, repair or expansion, and for periodic testing, especially for the fulfillment of DGUV regulation 3.